Southern Utah’s First Green Building Council Established

The Southern Utah Home Builders Association is excited to announce the establishment of the Southwest Green Build Council in affiliation with the National Green Building Certification Program.
With the arrival of the “green movement,” there were many questions arising. What is green building really?
If I install triple pane windows, is my house now considered green? How do I verify that my new home is energy efficient and meets high green standards? What are those standards? How do I know if a builder really knows how to build me a green home? Is there a National Standard for green?” Will I be able to sell my property as a green certified home and have the value appraised accurately? How do I find a green home for sale in this area?
SUHBA recognized the need to lead in the advancement of green building policies, practices, and projects for the Southern Utah region.
The Southwest Green Build Council (SWGBC) was created to serve professionals interested in including green building characteristics in their business profiles through administrative support, marketing, national branding, educational seminars, and collaboration.
The Council was also created to serve the public in assisting in answering the many questions circulating, offering a central location to obtain information, and to promote a heightened sense of responsibility in sustainable practices.
Throughout the past 15 months, a committee consisting of builders, HVAC installers, appraisers, realtors, bankers, electricians, plumbers, insulation installers and suppliers, window and door installers, painters, solar installers, architects, and other consultants have worked tirelessly to leverage the knowledge, expertise, and passion of all to establish the guidelines, goals, mission statement, website, and benefits for the new Council.
The mission of the Southwest Green Build Council is to encourage the voluntary development and construction of Green Certified Projects through education, communication, and advocacy of responsible green building practices.